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For ages now, I've been recommending to my nutrition clients that they begin by picking one meal and prioritising that. Then once you've nailed a meal, you'll feel up to nailing another one. And so on.

If you're feeling any or all of the following; overwhelmed, exhausted, fatigued, stressed; trying to plan a whole week of healthy meals in one go is simply not realistic or helpful for your already overloaded nervous system.

I made this lunch the other day and it was honestly so delicious and filling, and took me no time at all to make. Important info - there were two reasons it was quick:

  1. The shopping had recently arrived, so I had all the ingredients

  2. I had already cooked the potatoes and made the tahini dressing, because I'm slightly obsessed with it and put it on all salads, vegetables and anything else I can sneak it onto...

So making sure those things are in place first is a good start.

Here's enough tahini dressing ingredients to make a jar of it for the fridge - it keeps for at least a few days:

A jar with a lid

2-3 tablespoons tahini

Juice of a decent sized lemon

A good glug of extra virgin olive oil

Garlic powder - optional and do this in small amount as it can be strong

A squidge of honey

Salt and pepper

The ingredient quantities are a bit vague because you might make it and think you need more lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper or honey, so this way, you can build it up perfectly for your tastes. Start smaller and build it up gradually.

Then once the ingredients are in the jar, shake it up until combined, taste, adjust and then drizzle over anything vegetabley, salady or quinoa-ey. Yummy!

*If the mixure separates/curdles, add a bit of hot water and whisk it till it's smooth again.

The salad bowl is:

Beetroot ready cooked and from a packet (in an ideal world, I'd have grown and cooked my own, but the crap spring weather and millions of slugs as a result had other ideas. Also we're talking fatigue here, so nobody needs to worry about that right now.

Hummus I do usually make my own, but I've only been in my house a month and as I've already said, we're talking fatigue here

Seasonal New Potatoes- cooked and cooled - I cooked the whole packet (yes another packet) because I knew I could then make the same lunch again the day after. Which I did and it was such a relief to be able to chuck everything in even more easily

Peas homegrown - my favourite thing to grow in the UK. Unaffected by slugs, snails and they prefer it a bit cooler. Also you could just add some fresh peas from a packet.

Tomatoes the handful that had already ripened in my greenhouse went in. If you get shop bought, get the nicest ones you can afford. It really makes a difference.

Chopped pepper washed, chopped into dipping/scoopy kind of shapes for the hummus and dressing testing

Handful of rocket homegrown woo hoo! These also don't mind the cooler, damper weather. In fact they're much less likely to go to seed quickly when it's cooler. Make sure you dress the leaves in at least some decent oil. It makes it kinder on your digestion, it tastes lovely and you absorb the nutrients more easily as some of them are fat soluble. Also we need healthy fats.

An egg I boil it, put it in an egg cup and scoop it onto my salad. You could do a couple of these at the same time for the next day too. Then drizzle it with dressing. This bit of protein and B12 feels really good on my system. But not everyone is into eggs on their salad so that's cool too. Add in some nuts or seeds for plant based protein instead if you prefer.

And that's it! You can vary all of it, or do exactly what is here if you need some help deciding and planning.

More easy and nutrient dense recipes to come very soon.

And as always, ask questions, leave comments, get in touch and let me know if this is helpful.

Most importantly, remember to give yourself a break and let yourself start small and gradual changes. These are the ones that will stick and build you some super strong, healthy foundations.

Lynne x

If you feel that you would benefit from some personal coaching including yoga, nutrition and lifestyle choices to help reduce stress levels, maintain a healthy weight, or simply see me for an overall health improvement course, I offer retreats, workshops and private sessions in person and online (via Zoom). Go to or get in touch directly @



©2020 by Lynne Jarrett Yoga.

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