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LynneJarrettYoga & Holistic Wellness - My Story and My Blog


About twenty years ago, Lynne Jarrett Yoga was a mere daydream of mine. As I trudged to my various office jobs throughout my twenties, although I had lots of fun, I always knew that it wasn't right for me in the long term. Every day I'd walk to work, daydreaming about a life with more freedom and more time to create something from my heart.

As soon as yoga classes became a part of my working week, I was very quickly signing up for workshops, retreats and training courses to further my learning. I knew in my gut this was "it" and decided there and then that I was going to make yoga a huge part of my life.

After a big change in my personal life at the age of 30 (I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis) I started putting the necessary changes into place to truly and decisively build my dream. Realising that my health wasn't being supported by my busy and stressful London lifestyle, I decided to move to Brighton and commute to work. It sounds crazy to add that journey to my day, but I knew that it was the first and very important step. A string of chance meetings led me to my first home by the sea, and wonderful yoga teacher Sevanti ( To say it all fell into place is an understatement. I'd gone from the devastation of finding out I had a life-changing and unpredictable disease, to undertaking brilliant, immersive yoga teacher training by the sea in a matter of months.

The initial year-long training course was in itself a huge boost to my health, but now that I was in Brighton, I could also more easily access holistic health support, from massage to reiki to ayurveda. Add in a few sensible dietary and lifestyle changes, and I started to feel like my true, healthy self again.

Nowadays I am that person on the other side guiding people towards realistic and sustainable changes to their diet and lifestyle - adding energy, balance, and freedom from unhelpful habits that so many of us continue to live with.

And even though I know, understand, and fully expect all those little changes to amount to huge improvements in people's wellbeing, time and time again, I am still so excited and happy when my clients tell me how much better they feel.

One of the most important changes I try to encourage is to move away from cutting stuff out (aside from the really toxic stuff of course) and go head on into adding in the brilliant, life-giving stuff. Focusing on nourishing foods and practises on a daily basis encourages a positive way of living that naturally budges out those less nourishing habits that we find really difficult to let go of. This is the simplest, most effective principle we can all apply to improve our health very quickly.

My intention for this blog is to write about acessible and sustainable health choices for anyone who'd like to read them! As a mother of two, with multiple sclerosis, in her mid forties and most definitely experiencing the joys of perimenopause, I promise you I have A LOT to say about all of the above, and much, much more...

Happy reading!

Lynne x

I am now offering Yoga & Holistic Wellness Coaching sessions on a one-to-one basis, as well as workshops and classes in person and via Zoom. If you feel that you would benefit from some personal coaching including yoga, nutrition and lifestyle choices to help reduce stress levels, maintain a healthy weight, or simply see for an overall health improvement course, I offer retreats, workshops and private sessions in person and online (via Zoom). Go to or get in touch directly to read more info


©2020 by Lynne Jarrett Yoga.

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