Remember that not so distant memory of being mid-way through your mince-pie-a-day routine, feeling full, bloated and ready for some healthier days ahead?
And can you remember thinking or saying any of the following?

"I'm cutting out sugar in January"
"I'm not drinking alcohol in January"
"I'm going to start running 3 times a week"
Don't get me wrong, I am fully on board with less sugar, alcohol and more exercise as a way of improving wellbeing. It is without a doubt a brilliant way to feel healthier.
However, I'm not convinced that a January of food restrictions combined with a sudden influx of hardcore exercise during the coldest, darkest part of the year can have a long lasting and beneficial effect. And don't most of us give up by the end of January? (I'm happy to be proved wrong on this in Feb btw)
And then what? Start again?
I really admire anyone who decides to make changes in order to improve their wellbeing. It's always worth it and I feel really excited for them as I know that they are going to experience the glow and lightness which quickly comes from deciding to prioritise themselves.
And a month in, sleep is better, then digestion, skin, energy levels...and so on.
But what if you've already given up because what you started two weeks ago is unsustainable? Is it a try again next January situation?
Or, could you instead try a "take care of myself as much as possible throughout the whole year, without removing all joy from my life" approach?
If this approach sounds more like you, you could start today, and with very little planning.
First step - drink a bit more water. You can start that right now.
Next step, eat more fruit and vegetables and exercise regularly (walking counts).
UPF's (ultra processed foods) can be reduced as much as humanly possible next. It's even better if they're naturally budged out by the good stuff.
I could go on and on but I won't. This is your January nudge to take a step back from the magical miracles that are promised and rarely delivered, so that you can think about how you want to live happily, healthily and calmly in 2025.
It's rarely just about food and fitness.
And if you go gently and steadily, you won't have to even think about this next January. Because you'll already be doing all the stuff.

I'd love to hear from you if you found this interesting and helpful. Or if you disagree that's fine too! Tell me why!
I'll be back next week with some more healthy ideas, recipes and support for the colder weeks ahead.
Love, Lynne x
I am a yoga teacher, nutrition coach and reiki practitioner, offering classes, one to one wellbeing coaching and group mini retreats at my centre The Yoga & Wellness Rooms in Shoreham By Sea, and via zoom for those who prefer to stay cosy at home, or aren't local to me. I currently have 2 x spaces for one to one coaching in Shoreham or via zoom. Get in touch directly if you think this is something you would like to start.
2025 is the year of the retreat! I'm so excited to be running my next one in Morocco in June - details of this are on my website - get in touch if you'd like a full immersion week of yoga, pilates, incredible food and some warm sunshine!
Details of my classes, coaching and retreats are all on my website or you can contact me directly on