What is hibernation? During hibernation, an animal's body temperature, heart rate, breathing and other metabolic activities slow down significantly in order to conserve energy.

It’s almost here. The end of this year. The beginning of the new year. All around us are grand statements about how we can manifest the most amazing year ever with a little bit of focus.
“What were the positives and negatives of this year?”
“What would you like to achieve during the year ahead?”
“How can you improve your wellbeing/increase your income/reduce the clutter in your house?”
But what if that feels too much? What if you feel too tired to declutter your house? What if you feel too tired after a difficult year and would like to spend the remainder of the holiday reading and baking, eating and sleeping? After all, it is the season of shorter days, and longer nights. It’s the season of hibernation.
Instead of setting ourselves extra tasks, can we instead set the intention of fully embracing this pause in time? To allow the stillness of the darker days and the sleepiness of nature to influence how we spend our time. To conserve energy for the longer, brighter days?
I really enjoy this time of year. It’s the only week when I can properly switch off. It feels essential to be at home carrying out basic tasks like making soup and choosing what book to read next, whilst simultaneously judging drawing competitions with my kids. Bliss.
This doesn’t mean I’m not excited for the year ahead. I just also love this bit. It feels like space. A big, wide, open space where I can be completely myself. Which as it turns out is at home, with my family, creating and photographing nutritious recipes (that my kids would rather I didn’t create!) and planning what I am going to grow in the Spring. And on a bright and beautiful day, I’m heading straight out to the hills to capture some stunning scenes of winter, which in turn inspires me to explore and teach yoga in a way that supports our bodies comfortably throughout the seasons.
And that’s it. Without really trying, that’s how I find my clarity. My vision. My happy place. By having the space to notice what makes me feel deeply happy and in tune with my soul.
I strongly believe that when we give ourselves a clear few days without a big, heavy to-do list (unless that to-do list is full of inspirational activities that make you smile inside and out), that is when the fog clears and we suddenly notice what makes us shine. This one is firmly on my list of healthy priorities for the year ahead.
Wishing us all the new year that makes us feel happy and calm.
(Unsurprisingly, mine is in my PJ's)
Lynne x